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Ready Brew Jasmine Green Tea Extract 20-count

(1 customer review)


Specification:0.6g x 20 Sachets (0.02 OZ x 20 Sachets)

Dimension: 75mm(L)X120mm(W)X28mm (H)



SKU: LC-JG20S Category:


This organic tea is sold in a 20 count box of 0.6 or 0.02 oz. sachets, which provides an individual serving when mixed with 200 – 300 ml or 6.8 – 10 oz. of hot or cold water. After shaking or stirring, the tea mixture will be mixed in thoroughly with no residue left at the bottom of the cup.

Flowery aroma fills the air when preparing this Jasmine Green Tea. The taste is not much different than the smell is. High quality tea extract and Jasmine petals are combined to create the flavorful and popular tea. The strength of this strong Jasmine flavor can be adjusted easily by adding more or less water to the cup. Whether someone prefers their tea hot or cold, the convenience of making this tea allows them to prepare it in any place, such as work, school or while traveling being able to have ice tea in 3 seconds.

The Benefit of Green Tea

When considering the benefits for green tea, weight loss is one thing that comes to mind rather quickly. Reducing fat deposits allows people to lose weight quicker than other products allow them to. This is only one Jasmine Green Tea benefit though. Other benefits can include the calming of nerves for people who are anxious, skin health and many more. The powerful antioxidants that are found in this tea can help with immune health as well. There are many benefits provided to cancer patients that drink this regularly also.
High blood pressure can be lowered easily as well as the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol levels are kept under control with this powerful tea as well. There are many benefits to drinking this Jasmine Green Tea regularly, whether it is sipped on all day or drank down immediately. This is why this makes a great gift for any type of occasion.

How to Brew Jasmine Green Tea in 3 Seconds

Mix with 200-300ml (6.8-10 fl.oz.) of Hot/Cold/Iced Water. Shake well if mixing with Cold/Iced water. Mixing with less water if stronger taste preferred. Add Lemon/Honey/Milk/Sugar depending on personal preference.